Complete Indian History One liners For All Competitive Exams(Part-06)

Complete Indian History One liners For All Competitive Exams(Part-06)

नमस्कार दोस्तों , Complete Indian Modern History में आपका स्वागत है प्राचीन सभ्यताओं से लेकर आधुनिक युग तक, यह व्यापक मार्गदर्शिका भारतीय इतिहास की समृद्ध टेपेस्ट्री को छोटे-छोटे टुकड़ों में समेटती है। Indian Modern History विभिन्न प्रतियोगी प्रवेश परीक्षा और Sarkari Exam की तैयारी के लिए एक बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है। इसके साथ, यूपीएससी आईएएस, बैंकिंग, एसएससी और अन्य सरकारी नौकरी की तैयारी करने वाले उम्मीदवार के लिए बहुत उपयोगी है और इस को 10 भाग में बाटा है प्रत्येक भाग में 50 प्रश्न है और ये प्रश्न One Liner Question है आपको शुरू से लेकर लास्ट तक जरूर स्टडी करिये!

Note – अगर आप हिंदी या इंग्लिश में पढ़ना चाहते है तो आपको Left Corner में भाषा का Option आ रहा होगा वहा से आप सेलेक्ट कर सकते है और अच्छे से तैयारी कर सकते है
If you want to study in Hindi or English, then you will have the option of language in the left corner, from there you can select and prepare well.

Indian History One Liners

251. Who can be considered as the most useful and important reform of Lord Curzon, especially in relation to people living in undivided Punjab province – Agricultural reforms

252. Who had passed the Indian University School Act – Lord Litton

253. Who was the pioneer of local autonomy in India- Ripon

254. From which station was the rail journey started in India for the first time in 1853 – Bombay (Mumbai)

255. Who was established under Pitts India Act- Board of Control

256. Who established the Supreme Court in Calcutta – Regulatory Act of 1773

257. Who started the system of communal constituencies in India – Minto Marley Reforms of 1909

258. The important feature of which act was provincial autonomy – 1935

259. The person who introduced the notion of bicameral in the 1919 Act was- Montague

260. 1921 Narendra Mandal or Chamber of Princes was started by- Duke of Cannaught

261. The Government of India Act, 1935 was based on- Simon Commission

262. In which year Lala Lajpat Rai was deported and sent to Mandalay for organizing agrarian movement in Punjab- 1907

263. Gandhiji’s movement for boycott of foreign goods was aimed at- encouraging cottage industries.

264. On which date India got the status of jurisdiction – August 15, 1947

265. Gandhiji was a true supporter of- cottage industries.

266. In whose failure Swaraj Party was formed later- Non-Cooperation Movement

267. Motilal Nehru and Chittaranjan Das were founding members of- the Swaraj Party

268. Whom was the Round Table Conference held in London to discuss – the future Constitution of India

269. Who was the first woman President of Congress- Mrs. Annie Besant

270. When the Mountbatten Plan of Independence was accepted, who was the President of the Indian National Congress at that time – Archai J.B. Kripalani

271. Which party was founded by Subhash Chandra Bose after leaving the Indian National Congress – Forward Block

272. Who was the founder of Azad Hind Fauj- Subhash Chandra Bose

273. Subhash Chandra Bose hoisted the flag of the Indian National Army in a city on April 12, 1944, which state is currently in which state – Manipur

274. How many delegates attended the first session of the Indian National Congress – 72

275. Who was the founder of Indian National Congress- A.O. Hume

276. Khilafat Movement movement was started to protest against the humiliation of the- Turkish Khalifa

277. In 1916, Indian National Congress and Muslim League came close to each other – in Lucknow

278. Where and in what year was the split between the soft party and the hot party – in 1907 Surat session of the Congress

279 Lala Lajpat Rai was protesting against whom when he became a victim of police brutality – Simon Commission

280. Poona agreement was signed between Mahatma Gandhi and- B. R. Ambedkar

281. Homerule League was established during- World War I

282. Muslim League was founded in which year – 1906

283. The nationalist leaders of India boycotted the Simon Commission because- all the members of the commission were British.

284. Who was the founder of ‘Servants of India Society’ – G.K. Gokhale

285. The High Court of Calcutta, Madras and Bombay came into existence during the tenure of which Viceroy – Lord Canning

283. Who was Bal Gangadhar Nilak called his political guru- Dadabhai Naoroji

284. When was the Gandhi-Ivrin agreement signed – March 5, 1931

285. Who was the chairman of the State Reorganization Commission which recommended re-demarcation of states on linguistic basis- Fazal Ali

286. Gandhiji was influenced by whose writings- Leo Tolstoy

287. Who coined the term Satyagraha – Gandhi

288. Who went to meet Gandhiji in South Africa- Gopal Krishna Gokhale

289. Where did Mahatma Gandhi go to run the Satyagraha movement among the workers of cotton textile factories in 1918 – Ahmedabad

290. From which movement did Mahatma Gandhi enter Indian politics – Champaran movement

291. The only AICC headed by Gandhiji. Where was the convention held- Belgaum

292. Where did the Salt Satyagraha end – Dandi

293. In 1939, Subhash Chandra Bose was elected President of the Congress Party by defeating- Pattabhi Sitaramayya

294. Why was the Cabinet Mission sent to India – to set up a constitutional system for transfer of power

295. What was the main reason for starting the Quit India Movement in 1942 – failure of Cripps Mission

296. Quit India movement was started in 1942 – August

297. Where was the parallel government formed during the Quit India Movement- Ballia

Monthly Current Affairs May 2023


In conclusion, “Complete Indian History One Liners” is a valuable for anyone preparing for competitive exams. This compilation offers a concise and comprehensive overview of Indian history, covering ancient civilizations, significant events, and key figures.

Whether you’re studying for entrance exams or seeking to broaden your understanding of Indian history, this resource will help you grasp the essential concepts and developments that have shaped the Indian subcontinent.

By harnessing the power of these succinct one-liners, you can confidently approach your exams and demonstrate a deep understanding of Indian history. Empower yourself with knowledge and conquer the challenges ahead with “Complete Indian History One Liners!”

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