Complete Indian History One liners For All Competitive Exams(Part-02)


नमस्कार दोस्तों , Complete Modern History में आपका स्वागत है प्राचीन सभ्यताओं से लेकर आधुनिक युग तक, यह व्यापक मार्गदर्शिका भारतीय इतिहास की समृद्ध टेपेस्ट्री को छोटे-छोटे टुकड़ों में समेटती है। Modern History विभिन्न प्रतियोगी प्रवेश परीक्षा और Sarkari Exam की तैयारी के लिए एक बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है। इसके साथ, यूपीएससी आईएएस, बैंकिंग, एसएससी और अन्य सरकारी नौकरी की तैयारी करने वाले उम्मीदवार के लिए बहुत उपयोगी है और इस को 10 भाग में बाटा है प्रत्येक भाग में 50 प्रश्न है और ये प्रश्न One Liner Question है आपको शुरू से लेकर लास्ट तक जरूर स्टडी करिये!

Note – अगर आप हिंदी या इंग्लिश में पढ़ना चाहते है तो आपको Left Corner में भाषा का Option आ रहा होगा वहा से आप सेलेक्ट कर सकते है और अच्छे से तैयारी कर सकते है
If you want to study in Hindi or English, then you will have the option of language in the left corner, from there you can select and prepare well.

Indian History One Liners

51. Who was the last ruler of Maurya dynasty- Brihadratha

52. What is Milindapanho – Buddhist text

53. By what name is the art school developed in- The Kushan period

54. Developed from the mixture of Indian and style – Gandhara art

55. Name the famous king of Kushan dynasty- Kanishka

56. Who and when did the Shank Samvat begin – Kanishka in 78 CE

57. Under whose reign the Gandhara style of art flourished – Kanishka

58. King Kharvel was the greatest ruler of which Chedi dynasty- Kalinga

59. Who was the greatest ruler of Satavahana – Gautamiputra Shatkarni

60. Who installed a rust-free iron pillar in Mehrauli – Gupta

61. Chandragupta Dwitiya and by what name was he known – Vikramaditya

62. Harishen was the king of which king- Samudragupta

63. India’s trade with the Roman Empire ended with the invasion of Rome by- The Huns.

64. Most metal coins were issued during the Gupta period – Gold

65. Where does Napoleon of India go because of his victories – Samudragupta

66. Whose achievements are described in the Allahabad Pillar inscription- Samudragupta

67. Fahman came to India during whose reign- Chandragupta Dwitiya

68. Who is the author of Meghdoot – Kalidas

69. In whose court Dhanvantari, the famous physician of ancient India, gave his advice- Chandragupta II

70. During whose reign Ajanta caves were built – Gupta

71. Describe the center of Roman trade during the Sangam period – Arikamedu

72. Which Chola king Rajendra held the title- Pandit Chola, Mudikond, Gangaikad.

73. According to the different categories of land mentioned in the Chola inscriptions, whom were donated to Jain institutions – Pallichandam

74. Which Chola king had first conquered Lanka – Rajaraja I

75. Information related to whose administration is found in the Uttammerur inscription- Chola

76. Chola kings ruled Tamil Nadu.

77. Which was the early capital of Rashtrakutas – Ellora

78. Who built the famous Shiva temple of Ellora – Rashtrakuta ruler Krishna.

79. Which book was written by King Amoghavarsh of Rashtrakuta – Kaviraj Marg

80. The most enduring contribution of Rashtrakutas was- The three poets of Kannada poetry, Pampa, Ponna and Ranna, and the Kailash temple.

81. During which dynasty Mahabalipuram temple was built- Pallava dynasty

82. Pulakeshin III was the greatest ruler of which – The Chalukyas of Vatapi

83. Ravikirti, who was a Jain and who composed the Aihole Commendation, was patronized by- Pulakeshin II.

84. The famous Dilwara temples are located- In Rajasthan

85. Who wrote the book ‘Kathasritasagar’ – Somdev

86. Who was the author of Harsha Charitra – Banabhatta

87. Who built Khajuraho temples – Chandel Rajput

88. Which Pratihara king took the title of proof – Mihir Bhoja

89. Who was the greatest king of Pratihara dynasty – Mihir Bhoj

90. What was the name of the Chinese traveler who came to the court of Harsha Vardhan – Hannsang

91. Who was given the name Pins of Pilgrims – Hensang

92. Who was the contemporary South Indian ruler of Harsh Vardhan – Pulakeshin II

93. The Sanskrit drama Nagananda was composed by which ruler – Harshavardhana

94. Nalanda University in India is located in which state – Bihar

95. The Muslim invader who destroyed Nalanda University was- Muhammad bin Bakhtiar

96. Sanchi has great stupas – In Madhya Pradesh

97. Who is the author of Geet Govind- Jaidev

98. The queen named Didda ruled which part of India till 980-1003 AD – Kashmir

99. Name the commander of the Arab army who conquered Sindh- Muhammad bin Qasim

100. Who had defeated Prithviraj in the second battle of Tarain- Muhammad Ghori


In conclusion, “Complete Indian History One Liners” is a valuable for anyone preparing for competitive exams. This compilation offers a concise and comprehensive overview of Indian history, covering ancient civilizations, significant events, and key figures.

Whether you’re studying for entrance exams or seeking to broaden your understanding of Indian history, this resource will help you grasp the essential concepts and developments that have shaped the Indian subcontinent.

By harnessing the power of these succinct one-liners, you can confidently approach your exams and demonstrate a deep understanding of Indian history. Empower yourself with knowledge and conquer the challenges ahead with “Complete Indian History One Liners!”


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