Complete Indian History One liners For All Competitive Exams(Part-07)

Complete Indian History One liners For All Competitive Exams(Part-07)

नमस्कार दोस्तों , Complete Indian Modern History में आपका स्वागत है प्राचीन सभ्यताओं से लेकर आधुनिक युग तक, यह व्यापक मार्गदर्शिका भारतीय इतिहास की समृद्ध टेपेस्ट्री को छोटे-छोटे टुकड़ों में समेटती है। Indian Modern History विभिन्न प्रतियोगी प्रवेश परीक्षा और Sarkari Exam की तैयारी के लिए एक बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है। इसके साथ, यूपीएससी आईएएस, बैंकिंग, एसएससी और अन्य सरकारी नौकरी की तैयारी करने वाले उम्मीदवार के लिए बहुत उपयोगी है और इस को 10 भाग में बाटा है प्रत्येक भाग में 50 प्रश्न है और ये प्रश्न One Liner Question है आपको शुरू से लेकर लास्ट तक जरूर स्टडी करिये!

Note – अगर आप हिंदी या इंग्लिश में पढ़ना चाहते है तो आपको Left Corner में भाषा का Option आ रहा होगा वहा से आप सेलेक्ट कर सकते है और अच्छे से तैयारी कर सकते है
If you want to study in Hindi or English, then you will have the option of language in the left corner, from there you can select and prepare well.

Indian History One Liners

301. Gandhi adjourned after the Chaura-Chauri scandal- Non-cooperation movement

302. Where did the Indian National Congress pass its famous resolution of non-cooperation in its session held in 1920 – in Calcutta

303. What were the three main forms of Satyagraha – non-cooperation, civil disobedience and boycott

304. Gandhiji’s visit to Dandi is an example of which – civil disobedience

305. In which snake salt satyagraha was started – in 1930

306. Gandhiji started a movement in violation of the Salt Law, which was called – Civil Disobedience Movement

307. In which session of the Indian National Congress Purna Swaraj was announced – Lahore

308. Who was the first president of independent India – G.V. Mavalankar

309. Who was the founder of the concept of Sarvodaya – Mahatma Gandhi

310. Where was Christopher Columbus – Jinoa

311. What is the meaning of non-interference policy – removal of certain restrictions

312. Who founded the Banaras Hindu University- Madan Mohan Malviya

313. “Where there is no law, there is no freedom”. Where was it – John Locke

314. The methods of democratic socialism – explain and propagate

315. Who was the co-founder member of Russia’s Papulist movement ‘Anarchism’ – Mikhail Bacunin

316. Who built the Great Wall of China- Shih Huang Tee

317. Karl Marx’s book Das Capitol was published in- 18

318. In which fight did the final defeat of Napoleon France – Battle of Trafalgar

319. By whose fall did the French Revolution begin – Bastille

320. Boston Tea Party incident is related to – American Independence War

321. Between whom was the Crimean War fought in 1854–1856 – with the United Kingdom against Germany

322. By which treaty the First World War ended – Treaty of Versailles

323. Who was the oldest British king / queen to sit on the throne – Queen Mary Tudor

324. Bhimbetka cave in which state- Madhya Pradesh

325. The streets of the cities of the Indus Valley Civilization were- Chady and Sidhi.

326. The ruins of Harappa and Mohenjodaro are found on the banks of which river – Harappa on the banks of Ravi and Mohenjodaro on the banks of the Indus.

327. Which script of Indus Valley Civilization is- unknown

328. Which is the largest building in Mohenjodado – Dhanyagara

329. Whose idol was an important composition of the people of the Indus Valley – the dancing girl

330. Which are the port cities of Indus Valley Civilization- Lothal

331. The strength of the Indus economy was- Trade

332. Shortugui (Indus Valley Civilization) is in which country – Afghanistan

333. The meaning of the word Veda is – Knowledge

334. Varna system in early Vedic period is based on- occupation.

335. Who was the first European to call Aryo a caste- Maxmüller

336. Which tribal assembly was normally involved in the election of tribal chieftain- committee

337. In the Vedic era, what the king used to collect from his people, what was he called- Bali

338. Satyameva Jayate engraved on Indian emblem is taken – from Mundakopanishad.

339. Which marriage was not considered legal in ancient India – Gandharva marriage

340. Buddha was related to which dynasty – Shakya

341. Where did Buddha give his first sermon – Sarnath

342. Coins made of metal first appeared in the time of Buddha.

343. In which language were the early Buddhist literature – Pali

344. In Buddhism, what is the relation of ‘Bull’ with the- life of Buddha- Birth

345. Buddha Dhamma and Sangha together are called – Triratna

346. What is called a semi-circular structure with domed roofs built on the sacred remains of Buddhists- Stupa

347. In which year Buddha died – 483 BC

348. Among the eras of Indian history, during which Kshatriyas held a distinct identity – in the era of Buddha.

349. Who is the founder of Jainism in India- Mahavir Swami

350. Where did Vardhman Mahavir obtain Parinirvana- Pava

Complete Indian History One liners For All Competitive Exams(Part-06)


In conclusion, “Complete Indian History One Liners” is a valuable for anyone preparing for competitive exams. This compilation offers a concise and comprehensive overview of Indian history, covering ancient civilizations, significant events, and key figures.

Whether you’re studying for entrance exams or seeking to broaden your understanding of Indian history, this resource will help you grasp the essential concepts and developments that have shaped the Indian subcontinent.

By harnessing the power of these succinct one-liners, you can confidently approach your exams and demonstrate a deep understanding of Indian history. Empower yourself with knowledge and conquer the challenges ahead with “Complete Indian History One Liners!”

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